Foodie Friday: Spaghetti Squash

Foodie Friday: Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti SquashSquash half right out of the oven.Fall harvest brings us a multitude of winter squashes, but one of my favorites is spaghetti squash. A lot of people shy away from this one because they don’t know what to do with it. I’ve always taken its...
Foodie Friday: Cheese!

Foodie Friday: Cheese!

To kick off the new Foodie Friday feature, we’re starting with my absolute favorite ingredient. No, it’s not garlic, although that might be a close second. Behold the power of…Cheddar. Brie. Gouda. Muenster. Mozzarella. Provolone. Monterrey Jack....
Why Do We Love the Bad Guys So Much?

Why Do We Love the Bad Guys So Much?

Eric Northman. Damon Salvatore. Do I have your attention? Maybe these will help.Aah. Okay, that is all.No. Wait! Not really. I just got a little distracted for a moment there. *wipes drool from chin* This is why I should wait to insert pictures until after I’ve...
New Feature: Foodie Friday

New Feature: Foodie Friday

Did you know I’m a foodie? Well, I used to be and I want to be again. I’ve kind of been out of the loop since…well, since Alexis and Tristan invaded my brain…and my nights and weekends.I stopped watching Food Network so I could write. I still...
Memorable Moment of the Week

Memorable Moment of the Week

I’m a soon-to-be-recovering workaholic (soon as when I win the lottery) and I’m a home-body. Since I work at home – for both my day-job and writing – I really, seriously, sadly don’t get out much. This week, though, offered a change of...