Foodie Friday: Family Recipes

Foodie Friday: Family Recipes

Christmas is the time for traditions and this includes traditions in the kitchen. Anyone who cooks (and even many who don’t) have at least one recipe they make every year that has been handed down the generations. Whether it’s for a pie, cookie, salad or...
Foodie Friday: Holiday Treats

Foodie Friday: Holiday Treats

I love to cook, but I’m not much of a baker. I make birthday cakes throughout the year, but that’s pretty much it. And those start with a box mix. BUT, Christmas time is a different story. It’s the one time of year I love to bake. Which is good,...
Foodie Friday: Michael’s Genuine Food & Drink

Foodie Friday: Michael’s Genuine Food & Drink

Best wishes from the staff at Michael’s GenuineThe Man and I celebrated our 20th Wedding Anniversary in October and although we haven’t done the big shindig we’d like to do (he still owes me a trip to Greece haha!), we did get to take a one-night...
Foodie Friday: In the Kitchen With Cassandra from GENESIS

Foodie Friday: In the Kitchen With Cassandra from GENESIS

As I mentioned last week, my little goat-cheese-making adventure didn’t go quite the way I expected. It all turned out fine – quite deliciously, in fact – but I thought I was doing it all wrong. Cassandra, from Genesis, wasn’t a whole lot of...