Purpose on Bestsellers List? And More Giveaways!

Purpose is now available on Smashwords and Amazon! Woohoo!!!The Amazon listings include the Kindle version and I have a favor to ask you all. If you have any kind of Kindle app, whether for the ereader itself or on your phone or computer, and you’ve been waiting...

Can I Hang Out at Your Place?

Had a great time at the Miami Book Fair. Met some new friends and fans, but also came back with the beginnings of a head cold and not feeling so hot right now. I’ll post pics as soon as I can.Real quick, though, because December 15 still approaches and I still...

VRP Wrap-Up

Wow! What a week! I am writing this ahead of time because I am (hopefully) sitting on the beach or by the pool or sleeping, while recovering from last night’s craziness. Photos and recap coming next week.Right now, I just want to say thank you to all of you who...