My plans for this week’s featured writer fell through, but I have some special announcements instead. Besides Genesis, there are some other books by author-friends releasing this month:
10/1 – Pre-release copies of Windchaser by Krissi Dallas (Krissi will be visiting us next Wednesday for her blog tour!)
10/31 – The Secret of the Keepers: Kailmeyra’s Strength by Elizabeth Isaacs (sequel to The Light of Asteria: Kailmeyra’s Last Hope)
10/31 – Darkspell by Elizabeth Mueller – Her festivities have begun and she’s taking pre-orders for signed copies.
10/31 – Of Blood and Pulse by A Jacob Sweeney (sequel to Pulse of Heroes)
Sorry to hear your feature fell through but that gives us an opportunity to celebrate the others your featuring. Yay for Krissi! I’ll have to check out your other friends books. Congrats to them too!