Writing on the Road

Since Friday, I’ve been in hotel rooms and family homes, some with good internet, most without. I’ve also spent over six hours a day in the car, driving only half the time. The plan was to get some writing – well, revising – done whenever I had...

What Does “Kill Your Darlings” Mean?

We’ve heard it time and again – “Kill Your Darlings!” It sounds like such a psychotic phrase. Kill my darlings? As in my babies? These sweet little things I’d give my life for?No, no, NO! Not your human darlings. Sheesh.So what darlings...

Teaser Tuesday

So I’m working hard on revising Genesis (releasing 10/28) and getting it ready for you lovely peeps and thought I’d share a little tease with you today. Please keep in mind that I’m still revising, so this could change in the future. But here you go:...

Story Comes First

Katie at Creepy Query Girl and I must have been on the same page this weekend. Or in the same book. Or maybe not, since there are a lot of published books that could be counted in our thoughts. What are those thoughts?That story comes first, then comes the writing....


Over the last few years, I’ve realized that whenever I come to the close of a big writing project, I go into nesting mode. I’m sure this has something to do with the fact that while I’m involved in such a project, everything else –...