Name It! Giveaway

Name It! Giveaway

As I’ve been not-so-subtly hinting here and here, I’ve been planning a giveaway to celebrate finishing the first draft of Book 3. My problem is that I still don’t have a title for this lovely, kick-ass book (yes, it is quite possible to be lovely and...

MarNo – March Novel Writing Month

So Dawn Embers twisted my arm and promised me cupcakes if I did the March Novel Writing Challenge (aka MarNo), so I thought very hard about it, chewed my fingernails off as I worried about the consequences of failure and spent many sleepless nights debating whether or...

Teaser Tuesday – Giveaway!

Coming Soon! A Giveaway!I’ll be announcing a contest/giveaway on Friday. It will be quick and easy, so don’t miss out. Check back in Friday for the details. Part of that contest/giveaway requires your opinion on the title for Book 3. I’ll make a...