Teaser Tuesday

First, today is 1/11/11!!!! I think we need to make a wish! I know what mine is! Onto the blog post…I’ve finally been able to sit down and write! Yay! I started Soul Savers Book 3 (currently untitled) December 5, 2009. Until this weekend, the last time...

Monday Marketing – Picking It Up Again

It’s been a long time since I’ve done a Monday Marketing post. I plan to get back into it, though, starting next week. After all, we left off at the good part, the topic most people think and care about when they hear the term “marketing.”...

So Much for That!

A New Year re-energizes me to focus on priorities, create new habits and try new things. After the chaos of the holidays and the wind-down of the “in-between week” (12/26-1/1), I’m ready to jump back on my horse and take off, either at a gallop on my...

Smart Ways to Use Twitter & Facebook

I read a lot of articles about using social media as a writer – to network with other writers and industry professionals, to grow your “tribe,” to promote your books, even to research for your stories. Tips for blogging, tweeting and Facebook...