Giving Up or Giving In

Giving Up or Giving In

After staring at a blank screen for a ridiculous amount of time today, my itchy fingers banged out some words about what I want to write since I couldn’t figure out how to actually write it. The free-writing turned into something I feel like sharing, because I...

In the Beginning…of the Soul Savers

Over on my author Facebook page, we’ve been having some fun with Soul Savers trivia in celebration of reaching 7,777 Likes and the upcoming release of the last book in the series. There will be an amazing giveaway for participants in the trivia questions, so...

Un-stifling Creativity

I caught myself doing something absolutely horrible the other day, and it made me wonder how often I do it without realizing. So I’ve been paying more attention for the last few days and am appalled at myself. Now I wonder if I’m the only one or if others...

Naming Characters – and Other Things

Probably one of the best things about my job is reading the fan mail that lands in my inbox. Every single little note, even if it’s just a question about the next book, makes my day a little brighter. I especially love to hear how my books have made a non-reader...