Last week, I gave a detailed account of the first half of my revisions process – the fun and creative but sometimes arduous task of making sure the actual story is just right. Plot and character development must be nailed down before I waste time on anything...

Playing With Cards – The Creative Part of Revising

Last time, I gave a step-by-step rundown of my revision process and explained how I “use” (that sounds so bad) alphas, betas and critique partners. Now, we can begin breaking the process down, starting with the first few rounds of revisions. These...

My (Ideal) Revision Process

Mention the word “revisions” around a group of writers, and you’ll get a mixed chorus of “ugh!” and “squee!” It’s true – some writers hate revisions while others love them. Those who hate them say they prefer the...

You Wrote a Book! Now What?

National Novel Writing Month (November) has ended and now there are people all over the world asking, “Now what? I wrote a whole book. What do I do next?”Well, first, CELEBRATE!!! Finishing a book is a huge accomplishment. The saying goes that everyone has...

That Fluttery Feeling

Do you get that fluttery, queasy feeling in your gut when crit partners return your story? You know, excited but sick-to-your-stomach nervous? You can’t wait to see their reaction to the plot, to the characters, to the beginning, the middle and the end, to the...