You Wrote a Book! Now What?

National Novel Writing Month (November) has ended and now there are people all over the world asking, “Now what? I wrote a whole book. What do I do next?”Well, first, CELEBRATE!!! Finishing a book is a huge accomplishment. The saying goes that everyone has...

Rules You Can NEVER Break

As writers, we are constantly being told by the “experts” that we can’t do this but we must do that. There are plot and structure rules, writing rules, grammar rules, querying rules and even rules for how to promote our books once we get to that...

Writer Wednesday – NaNoWriMo Lesson

As predicted, I’ve been pretty quiet here on the blog. If you didn’t see why, it’s because I’m doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year. And it’s kind of kicking my butt. I’m not crazed and sleepless like I was over...

What NaNo Is Teaching Me

Tomorrow marks the halfway point of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and I’m not quite at halfway to 50,000 words. Ugh. I’d hoped to be at 50K by now so that I could actually complete the novel by the end of the month. Because, really, 50K does not...

“Expert” Advice

I know I said last time (er…last February) that maybe I’d revive this blog and here it is, 9 months later and I’m just now getting around to another post. Plenty of ideas come to me – there are all kinds of things I can say about writing,...