Inspiration From a Visionary

Inspiration From a Visionary

On The Writer’s Voice earlier this week, I wrote about what inspired me to write Genesis. Inspiration for new story ideas come to writers all the time, in various ways and forms, sometimes in the strangest place or from the tiniest little thought. But to turn...

For the Writers of the World: Live YOUR Purpose

Just wanted to share this video with my lovelies. Even if you’re not a writer, I know you’ve overcome adversity at some point in your life. Keep picking yourself up. Keep going. Live your purpose!The title to my second book, which was originally the first...

For the Writers of the World: Live YOUR Purpose

Just wanted to share this video with my lovelies. Even if you’re not a writer, I know you’ve overcome adversity at some point in your life. Keep picking yourself up. Keep going. Live your purpose!The title to my second book, which was originally the first...