Teaser Tuesday – Cover Reveal!

Teaser Tuesday – Cover Reveal!

Hi, my lovelies! Long time no blog, I know, I know. As I warned, I took a break for the holidays and then extended it so I could wrap up Devotion. And now I’m ready to start the new year with a BANG!I have lots of fun and exciting plans for you this year and...

Release Prep – Calling All Bloggers

I know the blog has been extremely quiet lately…though, with all the holiday chaos, I’m sure you haven’t noticed. But it’s true and it’s mostly because I’m trying to wrap up as much as possible with Devotion so I can take a few days...


I’m still working diligently on Devotion, hoping to get it wrapped up for the last round of critiques and the copy editor before Christmas so I can enjoy some time with the family. BUT, I wanted to share a couple of FREEBIE ebooks, including Promise!That’s...

Holiday Shopping & Devotion Pre-Orders

I am proud to say I let another Black Friday go by unobserved. Well, at least by me. Older teens tend to think it’s exciting to go out shopping in the middle of the night, even when they have no money to buy anything, so a couple members of The Herd did go out...

Teaser Tuesday

Today you get a special tease. An excerpt from DEVOTION, Book 3 in the Soul Savers Series, set to come out February 10, 2012. Without further ado… “Alexis, use your mind to determine if anyone is nearby,” Rina said after Mom closed and locked the door.This was...