October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and as many people know, this cause is near and dear to my heart. So, it’s time for the second annual SHARE THE campaign. Running Oct. 21-31, the campaign will benefit the National Domestic Violence Hotline (http://www.thehotline.org/). We’ll be raising awareness about DV, as well as The Hotline, and also raising money. Oh, and there’s a giveaway!
But… I NEED YOUR HELP! I need book bloggers, author bloggers, and book or author Facebook page owners to help spread the word. There will be a promo blitz to post on Oct. 21. You can also choose to do an extra post sometime between 10/26-10/31 that includes a relevant tip, fact or story that we’ll provide (unless you have your own that you’d like to share). As part of the giveaway, you can choose to have people like your page or follow your blog to gain an extra entry.
The promo blitz and Rafflecopter will be going onto all the blogs and FB pages that participate, on my blog and FB page, and in my newsletter that goes to about 4,000 subscribers. (If you have a newsletter, feel free to share it. *unabashed grin*) So not only are you supporting a good cause, but you could gain some great exposure!
To participate, please complete the form ASAP. Thank you very, very much!