Meet an Angel & Give to a Child

Meet an Angel & Give to a Child

I write about angels and their…hmm…activities on Earth (that’s sort of a way to put it without giving the books away, anyway :-P). If angels do reside on Earth, embodied in human form, then Eisley Jacobs must be one.I think Eisley was the first...

Purpose on Bestsellers List? And More Giveaways!

Purpose is now available on Smashwords and Amazon! Woohoo!!!The Amazon listings include the Kindle version and I have a favor to ask you all. If you have any kind of Kindle app, whether for the ereader itself or on your phone or computer, and you’ve been waiting...

Into the Shadows Winner!

We have a winner for Karly Kirkpatrick’s Into the Shadows!Congratulations to…NOOKIE!!!I don’t have an email address or way to contact you, so send me an email with your address to kristie (at) kristiecook (dot) com and I’ll forward it to Karly....
Purpose Virtual Release Tour – Stop #1 (and a Contest!)

Purpose Virtual Release Tour – Stop #1 (and a Contest!)

Jessica at Confessions of a Bookaholic kicks off the Purpose virtual release tour with an interview of yours truly. Also this week, she’ll be interviewing Alexis and Tristan and posting her review of Purpose (I’m so excited, I can’t wait!).And...

First Stop on the Blog Tour & a Cover Contest

The first stop on the Purpose Release Blog Tour: an author interview at Confessions of a Bookaholic. In fact, Kristie Cook is visiting over there the rest of the week. Thank you, Jessica!Also, Confessions of a Bookaholic and A Life Bound by Books are hosting a...