What Have You Been Up To? (And other recent FAQs)

I know I haven’t been much of a blogger recently. Besides participating in a special Fall promotion for New Adult authors and sharing some cover reveals for author-friends, pretty much everything else has been promotions and updates about Wrath, and before that,...

Go Home, 2013 – You’re Drunk!

Somehow, the calendar shows that it’s already February. February! But, wasn’t New Year’s just last week? I wish, for everyone I know, that we could start the year over. Because, so far, 2013 sucks. Big time.I personally spent most of January in my...
I Did It & It Felt Awesome

I Did It & It Felt Awesome

Sometime in early 2011, I joined a host of other authors and pledged to donate $500 to First Book if any of my books made it to the Top 100 of ALL Kindle Paid Bestsellers List. Making it to that list – not a genre or category list but THE Top 100 – had...

Feeling My Age

Age is such a concrete number yet so ambiguous. I mean, have you ever really felt your age? I’m not talking about when you’ve worked out hard, painted the house or did yard work and you’re feeling the creak in your bones. I’m talking about...
Inspiration From a Visionary

Inspiration From a Visionary

On The Writer’s Voice earlier this week, I wrote about what inspired me to write Genesis. Inspiration for new story ideas come to writers all the time, in various ways and forms, sometimes in the strangest place or from the tiniest little thought. But to turn...