Epublishing and Smashwords

More and more authors are going the way of epublishing. Why? Many reasons, not least of them being that traditional publishers are pushing us that way. Take a look at this: http://blog.smashwords.com/2010/10/seven-secrets-to-ebook-publishing.htmland this:Introduction...

The Ongoing Question: Why Do We Do It?

This business of writing and publishing can sometimes – often – be frustrating. From plotting the story to getting it into readers’ hands, the path is lined with every possible obstacle you can think of…and many you never did imagine. Sometimes...

My Personal Mission

So Monday I wrote about what it takes to put a book together – as in a physical book, with cover, pages with words, etc. One person commented. I know it’s not exciting stuff and it can be overwhelming. I also know most of you don’t find it relevant at all, but,...

What Goes Into a Book (More Than Just Words!)

Sorry for my lame-o posting last week. I was completely ecstatic about being able to share the cover for PROMISE and receiving all the great feedback. What I didn’t share was that I received a proof copy of the book last week, too.I. Went. Crazy.If there were hidden...

Guy-Candy and the Moment of Truth

Don’t forget to enter the 50 to 100 Contest!I just returned from a short jaunt to Orlando. My day-job business requires me to go up there for a night every two months, but this time I spent two nights and mixed in a little pleasure. The Man came with me and we saw 30...