Just In Case You Didn’t Believe Me

If you’re questioning at all whether editors and agents check out authors, as I wrote last week, read this:From editor Brendan Deneen (who used to be an agent) – specifically #3That is all for now. Have a lovely Tuesday.

Things Making Me Go Hmm…

There’s some interesting conversation going on for and about YA writers at Carol’s Prints and Invincible Summer. If you write YA, I suggest you check them out because they bring up some very valid points about writing YA. I don’t write YA, but one of...

Things Making Me Go Hmm…

There’s some interesting conversation going on for and about YA writers at Carol’s Prints and Invincible Summer. If you write YA, I suggest you check them out because they bring up some very valid points about writing YA. I don’t write YA, but one of...

Blog Love

Caught up in rewrites and edits, I forgot to post this blog! Shame on me! This one will be a quickie because there will be another to follow later today. I’ll explain in a minute. First, this post is all about love for other blogs and bloggers. I have learned and...